“The Wedding Cake” screened one year after at the Doc.London!

As I announced last year, The Doc.London Documentary Film Festival selected The Wedding Cake for the 2021 festival, but due to the COVID-19 situation the screening was postponed to the 2022 edition.

So, it is now due for next Monday March 28th from 8-10 pm, a week from today, at the Close-Up Film Centre in 97 Sclater Street, London, but unfortunately/fortunately the event is sold out already! Reserving tickets for this screening is no longer possible, but some more tickets will free up at the front desk on the evening of the screening.

I feel very sad for not attending, but hopefully my super amazing set designer Adriana Rosati will be there to catch the festival vibes for me!

“The Wedding Cake” at Cortincarcere!

I feel so excited and honored that The Wedding Cake, in addition to being a finalist at the Social Film Festival ArTelesia last year, continues its path inside the festival through a screening today at the auditorium of the Benevento Prison, as an initiative of the “Cortincarcere” project!
I am really pleased that my short is shown in this context, which is one of the most important possible.

Entangled in the simultaneous moments of take-off and landing – by Paul Wu

Images by Jessica Lindgren-Wu

Sometimes you understand a person is a talented writer just from the way they talk and act. It happened to me with Paul Wu. I felt that way and then I read one of his stories, which I loved. Therefore, I decided to translate it from English to Italian for La poesia e lo spirito Blog. Here it is, in both languages, illustrated by the photo composition created by Jessica Lindgren-Wu. Enjoy!

Imprigionato nell’istante simultaneo di decollo e atterraggio
Di Paul Wu

Chiudo gli occhi. La schiena contro un muro arancione inondato di buon mattino dalla luce di un sole spagnolo. Nelle mie orecchie il suono del fluttuare delle onde, ampie abbastanza da lasciare una pausa tra il fragore dell’acqua sull’acqua, e quello dell’acqua sugli scogli. Nel mio cuore c’è un grumo di tristezza che sale alle mie palpebre e le fa gonfiare. La persona che guida la meditazione ripete in un inglese non nativo: “L’amore è l’unica cosa che conti. Trova l’amore. Trova la luce dentro di te.” Continue reading

“The Wedding Cake” screened one year after at the Brussels Independent Film Festival!

As I announced one year ago, The Brussels Independent Film Festival selected The Wedding Cake for the 2021 festival, but due to the Belgian COVID-19 situation and government regulations, the screening was postponed to the 2022 edition.

The screening is tomorrow starting 9 pm and I feel very sad for not being there… It is probably the last time my short will be screened at a festival, and it feels melancholy to understand it’s the end of its journey! But it’s been two FANTASTIC years, with seventy-nine festival participation and countless prizes and nominations! Thankfulness, satisfaction, incredulity and pride predominate of course, but I can’t help feeling sadness, too!

“The Wedding Cake” Won the Cultura Caotica FF!

I am very glad to announce that The Wedding Cake won the 12th edition of the Cultura Caotica Film Festival!

This was the 79th festival competition for The Wedding Cake (and most probably the last!) and it feels strange and astonishing how far this little film managed to travel since the beginning of its journey, two years ago! With 15 wins and 10 nominations, I am honestly very satisfied.

I am truly thankful to everyone who gave their contribution to make it possible! My big gratitude to Mikael Moiner, Adriana Rosati, Astrid Hallén, Veli-Matti O Äijälä, Amer Kapetanović, Riccardo Cimino, Giulia Colavolpe Severi and last but not least of course Simon Häggström and Talita.

Public Financing for the Translation of my New Novel “Klara”!

What a surprise! Who would have imagined that my new novel “Klara” would be selected by the jury of the writers’ guild Författarcentrum Väst to be among the donees of the fund allocated by the Region of Västra Götaland to writers in foreign languages? I am extremely thrilled that the accomplished translator Helena Monti is going to translate − from Italian to Swedish − some ten pages of “Klara” next year, which I will use to find a local publisher in Sweden!

Masterclass on short film distribution!

I am very proud to announce that the sparkling Sisters Wild Cinema and the prestigious Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg Foundation have invited me to hold a masterclass about short film distribution on Thursday, 16 December, at 4:30 pm. The class is for free but with limited amount of participants, and it will be held in English and if you wish to attend, please enroll at this link

Interview with Radio Free FM Ulm!

During my German stay to attend the fabulous the Sisters Wild CinemaBiberacher Filmfestspiele, I had the great honor of being interviewed by a stunning guy, Henrik Frankenfeld, who has a Friday evening show at the Radio Free FM – Ulm. He was very kind to send me the final cut of our chat in English, during which I could talk about The Wedding Cake and The Ultimate Prostitution and Porn Anthology. Super nice!

I really want to thank again the Konstnärsnämnden, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, for making it possible for me to travel to the festival!


“The Wedding Cake” finalist at the Social ArTelesia!

I am very glad and proud that The Wedding Cake is finalist at the Social Film Festival ArTelesia on November 25th , which is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women!

My short will be screened at the Cinema Teatro San Marco in Benevento, in front of the Youth Jury! I feel so excited and honored! Continue reading

“The Wedding Cake” at the Hudson NY Shorts!

I have stopped submitting The Wedding Cake to festivals since a while because it has already participated to so many, but I can’t resist invitations from passionate curators such as Bonnie O’Neill, who runs the Hudson NY Shorts Film Festival! On Saturday November 13th at 8pm EST (1 o’clock CET) I will be attending some Q&As online, you are most welcome to join me there!