I am soooo surprised and delighted! I was so thrilled when I was notified that “The Wedding Cake” had been selected by RVK Fem Film Fest in the first place and honestly that was more than enough for me!
Imagine my surprise when María Lea Ævarsdóttir told me I had won!
Here’s the jury motivation: “The “Sister Award” for International Film goes to a short film that, at just under 4 minutes, packs a powerful story punch. A young woman is forced to become a prostitute in order to settle her husband’s debts. Her destiny is narrated in a powerful voice over through Playmobil figures and a wedding cake that disappears along with the woman’s illusions.”
“The Sister Award goes to Director Monica Mazzitelli for her short film, “Wedding Cake.”
I want to thank everyone that made it possible, first of all my wonderful genious husband Mikael Moiner Photography that did all the shooting, editing and colorgrading, Adriana Rosati who is the visual artist of the cake and the scenography, Astrid Hallén that gave her voice to my “Anna”, Veli-Matti Äijälä for the music and Riccardo Cimino from Suonilab for the audio master, Amer Kapetanović as additional lighting and Giulia Colavolpe Severi for the translations.
Furthermore – or first of all! – I want to thank Simon Häggström for his restless fight against prostitution and the organization Talita that works 24/7/365 to give young victims of the sex trade an opportunity to start a new life. This project is dedicated to you as it would not have been possible without you