“The Wedding Cake” screened one year after at the Doc.London!

As I announced last year, The Doc.London Documentary Film Festival selected The Wedding Cake for the 2021 festival, but due to the COVID-19 situation the screening was postponed to the 2022 edition.

So, it is now due for next Monday March 28th from 8-10 pm, a week from today, at the Close-Up Film Centre in 97 Sclater Street, London, but unfortunately/fortunately the event is sold out already! Reserving tickets for this screening is no longer possible, but some more tickets will free up at the front desk on the evening of the screening.

I feel very sad for not attending, but hopefully my super amazing set designer Adriana Rosati will be there to catch the festival vibes for me!

“The Wedding Cake” at Cortincarcere!

I feel so excited and honored that The Wedding Cake, in addition to being a finalist at the Social Film Festival ArTelesia last year, continues its path inside the festival through a screening today at the auditorium of the Benevento Prison, as an initiative of the “Cortincarcere” project!
I am really pleased that my short is shown in this context, which is one of the most important possible.