Interview with Kajsa Ekis Ekman for Nordic Model Now!

I am truly glad I got an opportunity to interview Kajsa Ekis Ekman about her essay "Being and Being Bought: Prostitution, Surrogacy and the Split Self”, recently published in Italian, to discuss the book and what has changed since it was first published. Spoiler alert: not much, unfortunately!

You can read my interview on Nordic Model Now! , that I want to thank for all their efforts to make prostitution a thing of the past.

New piece: “The lost generation of porn kids”

I am really excited that my piece about the essay Visuell drog published by Southside Stories Förlag is now available in English as well, thanks to Popoff Quotidiano that just published it!

The Lost Generation of Porn Kids
Everything we do not know about online pornography told in a fundamental essay published in Sweden

A book titled “Visual drug – on kids, youth & onlineporn” (“Visuell drog – Om barn, unga och nätporr”, Kalla Kulor Förlag, 2016) was recently published in Sweden, and it would be worth translating it into other languages. The writers are two powerhouses: Maria Ahlin – the young president of Freethem, an organization preventing demand for prostitution – and Ulrica Stigberg – a priest stationed at Fryshuset, Stockholm’s most important and vital youth center. Continue reading

A Man Who Loves Women: The Hell of Prostitution as Recounted by Swedish Policeman Simon Häggström

If I could make every adult inhabitant of the planet read one book in 2017, it would be Shadows Law [translated by Selina Öberg and published by Bullet Point Publishing, from the original Swedish Skuggans lag, published by Kalla Kulor Förlag] written by Stockholm policeman Simon Häggström. In just four hundred pages he makes us see a hidden world, one that it would be too easy and self-consoling to call obscene. In the narratives of his experiences of long squalid nights in a car trying to arrest clients of prostitutes, Häggström is able to tell the story of millions of women, of thousands of years of history, of billions of violations. A difficult book, obviously, but imperative, necessary, revelatory.
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