Entangled in the simultaneous moments of take-off and landing – by Paul Wu

Images by Jessica Lindgren-Wu

Sometimes you understand a person is a talented writer just from the way they talk and act. It happened to me with Paul Wu. I felt that way and then I read one of his stories, which I loved. Therefore, I decided to translate it from English to Italian for La poesia e lo spirito Blog. Here it is, in both languages, illustrated by the photo composition created by Jessica Lindgren-Wu. Enjoy!

Imprigionato nell’istante simultaneo di decollo e atterraggio
Di Paul Wu

Chiudo gli occhi. La schiena contro un muro arancione inondato di buon mattino dalla luce di un sole spagnolo. Nelle mie orecchie il suono del fluttuare delle onde, ampie abbastanza da lasciare una pausa tra il fragore dell’acqua sull’acqua, e quello dell’acqua sugli scogli. Nel mio cuore c’è un grumo di tristezza che sale alle mie palpebre e le fa gonfiare. La persona che guida la meditazione ripete in un inglese non nativo: “L’amore è l’unica cosa che conti. Trova l’amore. Trova la luce dentro di te.” Continue reading

Translation of Monica Viola’s poem “Cold”

This is my translation of a poem written by Monica Viola, that I like very much…

By Monica Viola

The cold the jump the embrace
the cold the jump the embrace and the fatigue
of leaving.
Naked because born;
born because
Born I swim
new, every day,
because I must.
Empty I must leave.
Will you receive me in your embrace
when mine ends
melt in a splash without echo and
without love?
Your mercy: freezing me in that instant
where I remain hanging in my flight;
I reject my beauty
all that’s amiss
all that’s been taken
I reject being empty.
I am not content, so I