Interview by Ekko Filmmagasinet

Thea Torp from Danish Ekko Filmmagasinet interviewed me today, connected to my participation to the magnificent Copenhagen Short Film Festival, and it was a very interesting conversation! My knowledge of Danish language is limited but I got the most of it, and I am very pleased!

Prostitution er ødelagt kvindeliv” [“Prostitution Shatters Women’s Lives”]
Af Thea Torp

En kvinde starter med at stå glitrende hvid på en bryllupskage, men siden tvinges hun ud i prostitution i stop-motion-filmen The Wedding Cake.Instruktør bruger playmobilfigurer til at levendegøre en kvindes prostitutionshelvede i stærk kortfilm på Copenhagen Short Film Festival.
Sex er ikke altid bare for sjov.
I stop-motion-kortfilmen The Wedding Cake af den svensk-italienske instruktør Monica Mazzitelli bliver en uønsket graviditet første skridt på en helvedesvej.
Hendes mand vil ikke høre tale om en abort. Han efterlader hende med to små børn og en gæld, som kvinden må tilbagebetale. I desperation kontakter kvinden en alfons. Mod filmens slutning ligger hun i en mørk seng omgivet af midnatssorte playmobil-mænd. The Wedding Cake kan ses fredag den 9. oktober i serien Female Perspective på Copenhagen Short Film Festival.
”Langt størstedelen af de kvinder, der havner i prostitution, gør det som kvinden i historien på grund af fattigdom,” fortæller Monica Mazzitelli, der står bag prisvindende kortfilm som Dignity og The Coltrane Code.
De seneste fire år har den 56-årige instruktør og forfatter arbejdet med kvinder, der kæmper for at komme ud af prostitution i Sverige.
Her lærte hun også kvinden bag historien at kende.
”Jeg ville lave kunst ud af de historier, jeg hørte fra kvinderne. Det var for at give noget tilbage igen. Deres liv er jo blevet bestjålet dem. Jeg gjorde mit bedste for at gøre deres historier interessante og smukke. Give dem en stemme!” siger Monica Mazzitelli.

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A review of “The Wedding Cake” on Ubiquarian

Very glad about this positive review of “The Wedding Cake” written by

The winner of the RVK Feminist Film Festival’s International Sister competition is The Wedding Cake, a very peculiar animated short film written and directed by Monica Mazzitelli. It’s a film that further blurs the line between the documentary and fiction via stop-motion animation using the Playmobile figures as characters and objects and the titular wedding cake that, over the course of the film’s under four minutes of runtime, gets eaten away. Next stop for the film will be the Reality Bites programme of the Gothenburg International Film Festival. Continue reading

My novel is out!

Here’s the cover of my new novel “To die Free”, that comes out in Italy today!
The English version is almost ready so my agent will try and place it with a publisher… stay tuned!

At RAI 1 morning radio show “Il caffè di Raiuno”

I made a video appearance on the morning show “Il caffè di Raiuno today.  I was invited to talk about my beloved Sweden stating why I love to live here; a very easy tack indeed! The program is in Italian obviously, but here’s the link to RaiPlay to watch the show, if you want to have a look. I appear towards the end of the program, at around 0:46:00.
It’s been a lot of fun shooting the video!

New review about “To Die Free”!

I know it makes little sense to post a review in Italian in this site, but I could not resist the tempation of at least show the incredible beauty of this image that was painted by the same person who wrote this piece: Eliana Como.
Her review was recently published by the web paper Popoff quotidiano.

I am speechless because she really understood what I meant with Michelina Di Cesare and why she is so important to me.

And this picture really reveals it!

Interview about “The Coltrane Code” with Jazzitalia

One of Italy’s most prominent websites about jazz got curious about my shortfilm “The Coltrane code” so Marco Losavio, chief editor of interviewed me about it, so nice!
We have decided to offer all readers the possibility of watching it exclusively for a few days, so why not taking the chance now if you are also curious? Check the piece out here and find link and password to it!

Interviewed by Vatican Radio

A couple of shots taken during my interview about my novel “Di morire libera” [“To Die Free”] at Radio Vaticana with Rosario Tronnolone, in the company of Meg Mason and Mara Miceli.