Nuovo video/New video! Again Daniel Karlsson Trio “COUSIN CUISINE”!

Sono felicissima, vi consegno il mio nuovissimo video, il nuovo singolo per Daniel Karlsson Trio dal nuovo meraviglioso album "Fusion for Fish". L'ho girato a casa di Daniel, nell'arcipelago di Stoccolma, divertendoci come pazzi insieme ai figli di Daniel, Alma e Anton, e ai loro amici del cuore: Irma, Fiona e Per.

I am delighted to announce and introduce my newest video, shot once again for my favorite jazz trio Daniel Karlsson Trio, shot at Daniel's place in the Stockholm Archipelago, with his fantastic children Alma and Anton, and their friends… Please welcome "COUSIN COUSINE"!

You can also just listen to the track here on SoundCloud or on Spotify per ascoltare il pezzo online!

Gocce di Ruggia

One year back:
Listening to the sound of someone
Washing the dishes in Rome.
In New York

Bullet knowing its very way

But early May
Circus removers
Emptied my palms

Nothing compared
Salty shallow mud
After crystal champagne

Did you survive us?
Was righteous right?
Shouldn’t perfect slay it?

Promise-keeper Monica counts the casualties:

Where are you mom and dad
Sisterly brother
Secret sharer

Come claim me
I’m yours
Can be found

Finis terrae in English

Ho deciso di tradurre la mia piccola poesia, Angela Doherty l’ha rivista (thank you Angela, you do walk your name!)

Finis Terrae – The end of the World

Jellyfish spat out by the masculine Tasman sea
curled bent
dead thus innocent

Beach-fleas bite your harmless transparence
they shall also soil soon

At the end of the world
liquid kisses solid, slaps it
Everything happens far from here
the world rotates around itself

At the end of the world
decomposed turquoise jelly becomes water air soil
inoffensive ignorant
World is reborn
Earth begins, day starts:
incipit terra, incipit dies.

“The swimmer” by John Cheever

I wrote this piece originally in English and then I translated it into Italian to have it published on Carmilla. It is a very short essay on one of my favorite stories of all times. I did make some personal hints on the author's psyche so before I ventured publishing it I got in touch with the author's son to ask if he was ok with that: he graciously granted me his go-ahead. "The swimmer" is available online here.

John Cheever’s “The Swimmer”: a man past the shadow line.

A wealthy and self assured man just past his midlife, still bearing “the especial slenderness of youth”. He’s at some friends’ house, by their pool, a midsummer day. All the guests are lazily enjoying the mature part of the day, busy with their respective headaches; they all had too much too drink the day before, no-one able to socialize more than this comment with their sleepy skins exposed. But Ned, he’s a man with an “inexplicable contempt for men who did not hurl themselves into pools”, and he has a “vague and modest idea of himself as a legendary figure”. So he steps up from the pool curb with an idea: he shall swim all the way home. His house lies eight miles south. In the suburban area where he lives, he can be “taking a dogleg” and reach his home by water, swimming across all the pools he finds along his path: 15 private pools and a public one to create his “contribution to modern geography”. He knows each of them, recalls the owners’ names one by one like a mosaic, a “string of swimming pools”. He will “name the stream Lucinda after his wife” even though she is not reacting when he tells her he’s going to swim home.

Continua a leggere

“Freddo”, la poesia di Monica Viola, ora è anche “Cold”

Ho tradotto il contributo di Monica Viola al progetto “Auroralia” dell’incommensurabile Gaja Cenciarelli, una poesia dal titolo “Freddo“, “Cold”:

By Monica Viola

The cold the jump the embrace
the cold the jump the embrace and the fatigue
of leaving.
Naked because born;
born because
Born I swim
new, every day,
because I must.
Empty I must leave.
Will you receive me in your embrace
when mine ends
melt in a splash without echo and
without love?
Your mercy: freezing me in that instant
where I remain hanging in my flight;
I reject my beauty
all that’s amiss
all that’s been taken
I reject being empty.
I am not content, so I

Questo l’originale:
Di Monica Viola

Il freddo il salto l’abbraccio
il freddo il salto l’abbraccio e la fatica
di andarsene.
Nuda perché nata;
nata perché
Nata nuoto
nuova, ogni giorno,
perché devo.
Vuota devo andarmene.
Mi accoglierai nel tuo abbraccio
quando finirà il mio
sciolto in uno splash senza eco e
senza amore?
La tua pietà congelarmi in quell’istante
dove resto sospesa nel volo;
rifiuto la mia bellezza
tutto quello che non c’è
quello che hanno tolto
rifiuto di esser vuota.
Non mi accontento, per questo

Summary as testament: Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood’s moral legacy.

Had it not been clear enough, Eastwood in this movie explained and condensed the content of his whole movie production; not only as a director but as an actor as well.
Had it not been clear enough, he showed again the debt and guilt of the US towards the Far East.
Had it not been clear enough, that violence generates violence, that Evil is a choice, and there is a point of no return.
Not clear enough, that there are no races but people, the effort is understanding each other.
Not clear enough, that the greatest evil is the one done against those that depend upon us, those we are not able to protect help and defend as much as we should; the little ones, the uncoping ones.
Not clear yet: when there’s no more life to hope for inside of life, it is right, decent and courageous to die.
Not clear? That the only thing that really counts is to find love, to stay human.
The world owes you gratitude Clint. Don’t go, we really need you.