Interview about “The Coltrane Code” with Jazzitalia

One of Italy’s most prominent websites about jazz got curious about my shortfilm “The Coltrane code” so Marco Losavio, chief editor of interviewed me about it, so nice!
We have decided to offer all readers the possibility of watching it exclusively for a few days, so why not taking the chance now if you are also curious? Check the piece out here and find link and password to it!

Interviewed by Vatican Radio

A couple of shots taken during my interview about my novel “Di morire libera” [“To Die Free”] at Radio Vaticana with Rosario Tronnolone, in the company of Meg Mason and Mara Miceli.

“Dignity” on

A truly touching and deep piece about Dignity and O Viveiro written by Maria Cristina Fraddosio and published on Italy’s main daily newspaper

Mozambique, beyond violence: “O Viveiro”: the revolution of teenagers in a documentary

In Tete province, Mozambique, young adolescents are fleeing from violence to which they are forced to aspire to a better future. “Dignity” is the title of a documentary that tells the story of some orphan girls in Chitima, housed in the center of O Viveiro.
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Huge success for Dignity at the RomAfrica Film Festival!

Incredible premiere for Dignity at the RAFF! Amazing how the planned Deluxe theater with its 124 seats proved quite insufficient for the audience, and that even after the opening of the second one, with its 70 seats many people could not get in anyway (sorry!)… I never expected this success for the first screening, thanks everyone!
Up to now two editorials have mentioned Dignity, one on, and the other on Africa e Affari.
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Daniel Karlsson on Dagens Nyheter

I turned 50 on the 22nd of August. I was feeling “worried” about this birthday in some ways, but it turned out to be the funnies, sweetest and most memorable I experienced in my life so far, with Daniel Karlsson releasing his new “Duo” album with genius Thomas Markusson on double bass, playing for me. And in the morning, as soon as I woke up, I read this interview that Karlsson released for Sweden’s most prominent daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, where he tells a lot about me and our partnership.
Best birthday ever 🙂