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Idag hade Esbjörn fyllt 56 om han hade levt.
Jag saknar honom varje dag och vill gärna att hans minne inte ska försvinna. Därför har jag skapat en namninsamling och försökt att få tag i så många musiker som helst för att ge den styrka.
Jag vill tacka Anita Svensson och Eva Svensson för att de tillät mig göra detta, samt Magnus Öström och Dan Berglund som gav det styrka genom att vara de första som ville skriva under det.
Jag tack också särskilt Christian Spering som gav mig en opublicerad bild av Esbjörn från mitten av åttiotalet ❤️ och alla andra musiker som ville vara med: Anton Eger, Arild Andersen, Asja Valcic, Bugge Wesseltoft, Daniel Karlsson, Espen Eriksen, Fredrik Lundin, Helge Lien, Ida Sandlund, Iiro Rantala, Ivo Neame, Jacob Karlzon, Jeanette Lindström, Joakim Milder, Lina Nyberg, Karin Hammar, Lars Danielsson, Maria Pia De Vito, Marius Neset, Martin Hederos, Mats Eilertsen, Nils Landgren, Nils Petter Molvaer, Peter Danemo, Rita Marcotulli, Søren Bebe, Ulf Wakenius, Viktoria Tolstoy. Continue reading
As a derived project of my documentary film “Dignity”, a brand new project was started, called “Dignity no profit people“. We are now extremely happy to announce that the project is expanding even more, as we are buying some land to build a multipurpose center where we plan for educational, handicrafts, health, sports, theatrical and you-name-it projects!
If you have any ideas you want to share with us, please feel free to come with proposals! We are open and curious, and do not focus on money but on love, creativity & effort from all who believe that single small acts of beauty do make a difference! As our page is mainly in Italian, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me, should you feel curious about more!
A lot is happening around my novel “Di morire libera” (“To Die Free“) as I had a presentation of the book in the amazing location of Castel dell’Ovo in Naples, with a full house and a very interesting panel! I feel blessed and proud, as the city mayor Mr. de Magistris granted the city patronage!
Many articles have been published about this event, and there is also a nice TV interview with me 🙂
Curious about photos? Please check my fb page!
This is extremely exciting news: I am selected for this amazing festival at Concordia, in Argentina.
The festival is dedicated to social issues so I am extra happy this kind of audience will be able to see the film. I hope it will generate even more attention to my beloved girls.
I am so proud that my documentary “Dignity” was selected for the Indonesian International Film Festival for Women, Social Issues and Zero Discrimination this year!
The festival will take place in Jakarta in early March, it would be lovely to go! 🙂
I believe that the logo of this Turkish festival dedicated to women directors by itself says so much about me and what I stand for, that I need no words to express how happy and moved I am for having been selected for it.
The Filmmor Festival is rich with ideas, energy and beauty: all that the girls represented in the film possess. I am sincerely hoping to be able to attend in person, it is what the girls deserve!
I’m DELIGHTED!! The Coltrane Code is again selected for an international festival, this time the Calcutta Kalpanirjhar International Short Fiction Film Festival beginning today!
The most amazing thing is that it is screened first at the opening event – and repeated on Friday the 6th. Wow!