The Coltrane Code, my new short film, a noir spy story!

Finally online the teaser of my latest short film, The Coltrane Code!

This time i decided to shoot a short spy story with a noir taste, playing with some stereotypes. there are more messages here than what one would imagine, even though I am possibly the only one who pays attention to them 🙂 The story was taken from a dream done by a prestigious Swedish sax player, Joakim Milder, who posted it on fb: something clicked there, and I decided to shoot it.

I hope it is a good story, and this is the synopsis:
A saxophonist returns to his hotel after a gig. In his room, he finds a woman that introduces herself as Irina. She tells him she was at the gig, asks him if he would like to transfer coded messages through music. Will he become a spy?

Here’s the titles, anyway:

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“Midsommar” screened in Lecce!

I always say “This is the last chance to see Midsommar on a big screen” and then… it’s not! I am delighted this small film continues to live beyond its expected term, and Lecce is such a spectacular place… thanks to the organizers of the CoolClub to have selected it for the show “Il cinema e la luna” at the Ammirato Culture House!

And I am also very proud that this screeshot from Midsommar was selected to illustrate the whole event!

Huge success for Dignity at the RomAfrica Film Festival!

Incredible premiere for Dignity at the RAFF! Amazing how the planned Deluxe theater with its 124 seats proved quite insufficient for the audience, and that even after the opening of the second one, with its 70 seats many people could not get in anyway (sorry!)… I never expected this success for the first screening, thanks everyone!
Up to now two editorials have mentioned Dignity, one on, and the other on Africa e Affari.
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“Dignity”‘s teaser!

I would like to thank everyone who took part of this project, in one way or the other!
To do so let me just paste here the credit roll, and add a special thank to Ellen McRae, who edited the subs of this trailer!

from an idea of
Monica Mazzitelli e Emanuela Bonavolta

Adelia, Anarita, Claudia, Imaculada, Joana, Liliana, Lucia, Marcia, Marta, Nela, Paciencia, Regina, Rosa, Rosalina, Serita e Teresa

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“A sweet fall”, lyrics by Monica Mazzitelli :)

I am specially elated today because Andrea Chimenti‘s new CD is out, and I have had the huge honor of cooperating with him on this album but writing the lyrics to its only English song, A Sweet Fall“.
I have also shot the video to this song, which will be available soon.. In the meanwhile, if you are curious to listen, you are most welcome to do so at the link below, thank you!


Daniel Karlsson on Dagens Nyheter

I turned 50 on the 22nd of August. I was feeling “worried” about this birthday in some ways, but it turned out to be the funnies, sweetest and most memorable I experienced in my life so far, with Daniel Karlsson releasing his new “Duo” album with genius Thomas Markusson on double bass, playing for me. And in the morning, as soon as I woke up, I read this interview that Karlsson released for Sweden’s most prominent daily newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, where he tells a lot about me and our partnership.
Best birthday ever 🙂