“Dignity” wins the “Città di Lecce” award at the Lecce Film Festival!

I am SO HAPPY!!! “Dignity” won the “Città di Lecce” award at the Lecce Film Fest! In the photo taken from the piece published on AffariItaliani.it, Nicola Neto, co-organizer of the festival with Ornella Striani, receives the prize for me from the hands of Paolo Perrore, Lecce’s Mayor. The prize, assigned by Luigi Coclite, Culture and Tourism City Councillor, is a paper-mâché sculpture representing a detail of the façade of the Santa Croce Cathedral in Lecce, made by the artist Carmen Rampino. I couldn’t be happier!!

“Dignity” selected for the grand Istanbul Filmmor Festival!

I believe that the logo of this Turkish festival dedicated to women directors by itself says so much about me and what I stand for, that I need no words to express how happy and moved I am for having been selected for it.

The Filmmor Festival is rich with ideas, energy and beauty: all that the girls represented in the film possess. I am sincerely hoping to be able to attend in person, it is what the girls deserve!


The Coltrane Code and Dignity at the Terra di Siena Film Festival!

Big news! For the 19th edition of the Terra di Siena Film Festival both The Coltrane Code and Dignity are selected!
The official presentation of the festival tomorrow, September 23rd, at the Rome Casa del Cinema, at 12.30 pm.

Both films will be screened October 1st at 3.30 pm at Nuovo Pendola theater in Siena.
The most amazing piece of news is that there will be with me non only Cinzia Bolognini (my assistant and editor) but also Emanuela Bonavolta, from O Viveiro, and above all Liliana Carlos Bruto, one of Dignity‘s the extraordinary leading protagonist!

It will be a very emotionally intense afternoon, not only for me but also – I’m sure – for all those who are attending to meet the very sweet, but also very strong, Liliana.

The Coltrane Code selected for Visioni Corte International Film Festival!

I am delighted to announce that my short film The Coltrane Code has already been selected for its first international festival!
It is competing at the Visioni Corte Film Festival to be held at the Minturno Castle 6-10 October 2015. I am very proud of having been selected for the final, especially as this festival has just won the award for Best Italian Short Film Festival, the “Silver Frame – Festival dei Festival”.