I made it! So glad I won at the Blue Danube Film Festival! So this is award number 11 🙂
Author Archives: admin
Back to the Lecce Film Fest, this year as a jury member!
This year I will be again present to my beloved Lecce Film Festival, somehow!
I do not have any new short film to compete with but I am there anyway (albeit only virtually) since I am one of the members of the jury! I have to admit that it has been a lovely and enriching experience even though I must also say that it is really difficult to “judge” someone else’s work.
I hope you can be there, from the 7th to the 10th of December!
“Dignity” back to New Jersey!
Last April Dignity was screened by an amazing film festival in the United States, the “Women In The World” – Women In Media – Newark’s 2017 Women’s History Month Film Festival.
A few days ago the festival directress got in touch with me to ask if I wanted to authorize her to screen “Dignity” during their 16 days of Activism to eliminate Gender-Based Violence initiatives, explaining that my documentary had been among those that had received most appreciation by the audience because “it clearly illustrates the importance of education and hope when facing tremendous odds. We congratulate you for sharing this compelling story with film goers throughout the world, and look forward to screening more of your work with our audiences.”
So do not miss it! East Orange Public Library Monday 4 December at 6:00 PM.
New review about “To Die Free”!
I know it makes little sense to post a review in Italian in this site, but I could not resist the tempation of at least show the incredible beauty of this image that was painted by the same person who wrote this piece: Eliana Como.
Her review was recently published by the web paper Popoff quotidiano.
I am speechless because she really understood what I meant with Michelina Di Cesare and why she is so important to me.
And this picture really reveals it!
May the force be with you. And power with us.
With this new piece I inaugurate a collaboration with the precious blog Le Donne Visibili (The Visible Women): from now on I am their “fourth official editor”! I start it with something about women empowerment dedicated to the Swedish #metoo.
For many women feminism means in some way denying a gender diversity perspective, as if it stood for some kind of weakness; some women tend to categorize themselves using a masculine measurement and this was important when patriarchal culture was holding its professional doors shut to women. The situation is slightly changing and here in Sweden, for example, the number of women working as plumbers or electricians is increasing, and you can see these sometimes tiny but very cool Lisbeth Salanders going around with a piercing and a hammer. Continue reading
“Dignity” at the Blue Danube FF
100 festivals reached – and surpassed!!
Delighted to announce that I have recently reached (and actually surpassed!) 100 film festival selections with my short films! Yippee!!
I celebrate this with a banner created by the illustrator Eliana Como that designed this little girl to represent my virtual company “Molly Bloom Productions”. Her name in Molly-Elly and she is my avatar from now on. Isn’t she cool? 🙂
The #metoo revolution, without Italy
[Some sad reflections about the flop of the #metoo in Italy. Originally published in Italy (in Italian) by “Le Donne Visibili”, “La Poesia e lo Spirito” and “Popoff”. Illustrated by Eliana Como. Translation edited by Cinzia Guerriero and Niko Despopoulos]
A feeling like a point of no return.
Like in H.C. Andersen’s tale – The Emperor’s New Clothes – at one point a scream was enough: so too were the first women in the Hollywood Star System who had the courage to let out and come clean of shame, anger, frustration, fear and uncertainty. From there, a few days later, the first post with #metoo hashtag starts to spread around and in a couple of nights it becomes an avalanche. Figures are updated by the hour to count thousands and thousands western women who have found the strength to tell their story from the multitude. Whether it concerned a harassment on a bus or a rape, so many hands rose, and the river became a flood, an event that was impossible to ignore. Thanks to the social networks, Western women finally met, though without having ever set eyes on each other, and in the sisterly and warm wave of saying “me too” formed a sort of alliance, with the strength that women have when they get too tired to slip anything else thru. Continue reading
Interview about “The Coltrane Code” with Jazzitalia
One of Italy’s most prominent websites about jazz got curious about my shortfilm “The Coltrane code” so Marco Losavio, chief editor of Jazzitalia.net interviewed me about it, so nice!
We have decided to offer all readers the possibility of watching it exclusively for a few days, so why not taking the chance now if you are also curious? Check the piece out here and find link and password to it!
Both “Coltrane” and “Dignity” at the International Short Film Festival Beveren
It makes me smile – and happy! – when two of my shorts are selected for the same festival. Even more so when it is two such opposite works like “The Coltrane Code” and “Dignity”! A glad surprise by the International Short Film Festival Beveren!